#8sunday 17/06/04 That First Day at Work 3

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For the next few weeks we are sticking with Daniel Smith’s Story, which is tentatively titled “LabRat”.

BLURB: Inadvertantly ‘rescued’ (by a small admin error) seconds before committing suicide, Daniel is thrown into the Great Wide Multiverse and more adventure and misadventure than his otherwise mediocre life as a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman could prepare him for. He is assigned to the ASS ( Alien Sentience Services) and promptly given a ‘new look’ and put into ‘training’.

We last found Daniel on Bancoon, Argle’s third moon, and a scientific research centre. Daniel has spent his first day with ASS being melted.

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The irony of his situation had not escaped Daniel.

At one point, oblivion had seemed irresistibly seductive. Now, oblivion was physically impossible, and it seemed that he was going to stare at the whites of its eyes a thousand times a day, into the foreseeable future.

Even in his molten state, Daniel was acutely aware of the smooth, cooling surface under him. The acrid tang of scorched air filled the space around him. He also felt the sharp edge of the scoop as they scraped him off the floor into the bucket.

Being poured was not something he had ever expected to experience in anything equating a conscious state. It was vaguely obscene – he felt like a very large dollop of mucus that should be disposed of down a drain.



©Kim Magennis 2017

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31 thoughts on “#8sunday 17/06/04 That First Day at Work 3

  1. Darn. Ed beat me to the punch. Being scraped off the floor sounds so unpleasant. Almost as bad as being mucous. Yuck. Poor guy. Don’t you think it’s time to quit torturing him??? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice engaging of the senses. I smell what he smells, feel what he feels, and see what he can only imagine.
    I’m so sorry they had to scrape him off the floor.

    Liked by 1 person

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