#8sunday 16/06/19 The Twitch 03

Greetings, Weekend Writing Warriors! For the next few weeks I will be sharing one of the first short stories I wrote. Its was inspired by a collection of short stories The Itch of the Twitch , by Harvey Tyson, a South African writer. This week we are exposed to the unique dialect that Twitchers (birdwatchers) use amongst themselves.  To keep things clear, I have included a short glossary of Twitching terms at the end of this post.

This story takes ‘twitching’ into the future, and the Multiverse of Homo Galacticus.

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Little Brown Job? So that meant it may be our Mega but then, it could just as easily turn out to be a Chook. Unfortunately, the young of the species we were hunting for was easily confused with many more ubiquitous breeds. Fortunately, my partner was a legendary Jizzer. He could identify breed, sex, and even age by the mere movement of underbrush.

I had spent months doing my research. I had minutely studied and learned to identify the habitat and season that the Xenica was likely to make its rare and brief appearance. I had read all the manuals, and listened to all the lore-masters, dead and alive.

© Kim Magennis

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Glossary of Twitching Terms

Twitching – birdwatching; LBJ little brown job, a common, often unidentifiable brown bird; Mega– a very rare bird; Chook – already seen or common bird; Jizzer – someone able to jizz, or identify a bird with an overall impression given by the general shape, movement, behaviour, etc; to dip out – to fail to see a bird the twitcher is looking for; Lister – a birdwatcher who keeps an extensive list of all the species they have seen.

source: Birding terms: Birding 101

37 thoughts on “#8sunday 16/06/19 The Twitch 03

    1. I am glad, Stephanie. Thank you for letting me know. It is even more hysterical if you repeat is out loud a few times.. It starts sounding like a kid’s naughty word 😉


    1. Thank you, Teresa. You are my best fan… I really appreciate your encouragement. I have actually started collating a collection for my book club for the end of the year ❤ so when it is done, you will be the first to know.


  1. “He could identify breed, sex, and even age by the mere movement of underbrush.” — Wow, that is indeed a legendary talent! I’m hard put to identify many birds even with a full view of them. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I shall now be able to impress my bird-watching friend with all the right lingo. But I definitely haven’t the patience to sit in a hide for hours, awaiting the arrival of a Mega. I like my comforts too much.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can recognize a male and a female cardinal and that’s it! I had no idea you could identify birds so minutely from very little data. And yes, the terminology or jargon could be confusing, but you make it easily understood. Great job.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I knew a birder like that. The rest of us could barely even see a bird in the trees across a pond, but he told us the species and said it was a juvenile (as opposed to an adult). Lovely excerpt!


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well I never realized how intense twitching/birdwatching could be! I am curious if they will find the one they are looking for or if something else might be in the bush?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, I hope the Jizzer is accurate in his identification and that they do find the Xenica, whatever it may be. (I looked it up and found dragons, fish, and butterflies. No birds.) But, since this is a Multiverse, I’m curious as to what it is. Great snippet!

    Liked by 1 person

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