#8sunday 17/01/15 LabRat Ch 03 4

Greetings, Weekend Writing Warriors! 

Here is the next instalment of the third chapter of my short story about Daniel.

Daniel’s suicide attempt is thwarted by a two-second admin error by the Alien Specimen Collection Centre. The Alien Specimen Handlers decide to dispose of their ‘error’ by inserting Daniel into another world, and he finds himself being processed as an undocumented alien by the Galactic Government of Argle. During his induction, Daniel inadvertently qualifies himself for assignment to ASS. He is handed over to an earnest alien called Dravid. The story continues in Chapter Three: Waking Up In Someone Else’s Bed. Daniel is standing in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at the results of his ‘conversion’. (Please excuse my creative punctuation!)

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How long he stood there in his horrified thrall, he did not know. This was a right royal stuff up, in fact, he could not imagine a single situation in his unspectacular life that would out-rank this in the class of highly-likely-to-be-regretted-for-a-very-long-time incidents.

Slowly, his senses shifted their attention from his outraged sight. “Oh, crap!” his groan echoed in the emptiness of the room, having burst, involuntarily from his immobile, blank face.

He could smell water, soap and cleaning agents, and the lingering scent of the person who had last been in the room. The tiles beneath his feet felt smoothly synthetic, and under his fingertips, the porcelain of the washbasin had not been evenly glazed. As he considered his impossible reflection, he noticed that the glass was dusted with tiny bubbles.

Still in shock, and not being capable of deciding what else to do, Daniel obediently turned to the shower stall, and turned on the taps. As he stood under the prickling jets of hot water, he heard the water rushing through the pipes in the wall. He soaped, rinsed and dried off with the white fluffy towel, which had been hung just within his reach.

Kim Magennis 2017

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22 thoughts on “#8sunday 17/01/15 LabRat Ch 03 4

  1. Love his word choice, he really knows how to turn a phrase. I suspect his freak-out meter is broken right now, and he’ll have a break down over the weirdness later. At least he gets a fluffy towel, though.

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