#8sunday, 16/08/21 Annie’s Song 3

Greetings, Weekend Writing Warriors! 

This week I continue to share from my WIP with the working title: Annie’s Song which has been written from the point of view of Gravais, the captain of  a faster-than-light scientific starship ship, which is transporting a new Team which has been assigned by the FOSB (Federation of Sentient Beings) to study a newly discovered planet.

Gravais has released the Team from SpaceSleep and we start from where we left of last week: Erit na Rakh was the first to recover. Then it was the incorrigible Olwen Anstelholm. We continue with Olwen speaking.

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“Hey, Erit, you good?” She nodded her wedge shaped head in acknowledgement. “I am.”

Anuritha kha Illicg was last. As *ge sat drinking, *gir vestigal wings gingerly stretched. The translucent webbing sparkled in the artificial light of the recovery room, casting dappled reflections on the dull grey walls. “We are running to schedule?”

“We have entered orbit around planet IJ5397. It is 08.09 on 148.18769 as scheduled.”

(*Anuritha kha Illicg is neither male not female, and the pronouns used refer to this state.)

© Kim Magennis

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32 thoughts on “#8sunday, 16/08/21 Annie’s Song 3

  1. I love the pronouns! And the names. Not to mention the premise. I’m hooked!

    I had to go back and read all of these. I’m so glad I did !

    Welcome to the ranks of the self-employed, Kim. You are absolutely a writer, and you definitely have a voice people want to read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Shan. Your encouragement is much appreciated. The universe (source, or God or whatever or whoever you call it) kicked me in the pants. I hope to soar a bit… and not crash and burn too soon. :-}

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I can see these characters so well, especially Olwen. He sounds like a fun character. I love sci-fi that presents characters of varying genders. We can’t expect all aliens to have male/female analogs. Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wonder if they will get safe passage or end up battling for survival. They’ve been in sleep-state for a while so a lot could have changed.

    Liked by 1 person

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