#8sunday, 16/05/15 The Runaway 8

Greetings, Weekend Writing Warriors!  These are the next 9 sentences a little further along in  Blagdan’s story. He escapes from the Medical Facility, which has been the only home he knows, and flees to the Outer Rim via railpod. After awaking from a disturbing dream, he purchases some food from an automated food and drink dispenser. Seated in a different carriage, he eats his breakfast. 

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 Dismal rain still smudged the bleak landscape as the sun rose dejectedly into the sky.

 He sat , licking sticky crumbs off his fingers, pondering the lack of life in the monotonously grey landscape, when the forward door slid open, and a dishevelled rail pod employee entered. The man nodded at Blagdan as he hurried past, towards the rear door, and with no more ado, was gone.

 After a couple of hours, Blagdan was bored, and stiff with sitting. Whilst he was still contemplating his next move, the rail pod track curved in a graceful arc and the battered relic of a station zoomed into view through the water mottled window. Impulsively, he stood and made his way to the nearest Egress sign, and hovered at the plexiglass doors.

 The sensor at the door did its magic, and the rail pod slowed at the siding. The doors wooshed open and Blagdan was buffeted by an acrid, blustery wind. Stepping onto the pocked plastcrete platform, he was caught by the wind, and swept along to the ramshackle building.


© Kim Magennis 2016

You can find the preceding text here.

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51 thoughts on “#8sunday, 16/05/15 The Runaway 8

  1. I loved the juxtaposition of “graceful arc” with “battered relic of a station.” This scene reminds me sharply of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series and how there is all this technology that still sort of works but the civilization has moved on.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such absolutely compelling prose, where even something as simple as him eating breakfast and walking up to the pod had me spellbound. Loved the depiction of the doors whooshing open, so evocative. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As others have said, this is an utterly bleak world that Blagdan inhabits. I would be interested to know how far into the future this is, and are we still on Earth, or a distant place? I may have missed this information on earlier snippets. Great description.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Rachel. Actually, you have missed little. I plan to do some back story in the next chapter. It will have a different POV and all will be revealed… Or enough, at least


  4. I’ve got a similarly bleak day here so I can sympathize with how much rotten weather can bring a person’s mood down. I hope Blagdan can shake that off and doesn’t regret going out into the wide unknown world.



    1. Thank you Chelle. I read somewhere that this is what modern SF is all about – taking the familiar and making it strange… I am glad you feel that way.


  5. So visual, Kim–and your use of the senses completely immersed me in the scene.

    I’m not sure where he’s arrived is better than where he left??? Interesting story.

    Anthology, please???

    Liked by 1 person

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